by Dr. Myers Hurt, III and Dr. Saquib Ansari
The first Family Medicine Grand Rounds of the 2012-2013 academic year was a great success! Dr. Richard Goodgame, Program Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at UTMB, presented his lecture “Conversing in Flesh’’ to a receptive audience of residents, medical students and faculty at the Primary Care Pavilion.
During his talk, Dr. Goodgame highlighted his experiences in Kenya and Uganda early in his career, where he realized mastery of the physical exam was crucial for patient care, not only in resource-poor settings, but also in our resource-rich environment. Encouraging the audience to move from treating the "iPatient" - a collection of radiology, labs, and progress notes, to a real "in-the-flesh" patient. Dr. Goodgame inspired us to round in patient rooms, redefine physical exam findings as "biomarkers", and to emphasize to the history and physical exam for each and every patient encounter.
This presentation marks the beginning of a new Family Medicine Grand Rounds endeavor: four Grand Round presentations, that will be held on select Thursday evenings throughout the academic year, with hors d’oeuvres provided. Keep your eye out for our next Ground Rounds, we encourage everyone to join us!